Missionary Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Would like consideration for financial support? *YesNoName *FirstLastAddress *Country *Phone Number *Website *Mission Field *Monthly Support Desired *Where and When were you saved? *Where were you trained for the Ministry? *Do you believe and teach that the King James Bible is God’s inerrant, inspired, perfect Word of God for the English speaking people? *YesNoIs there an inerrant, plenary, inspired, translation of the Scriptures, available in the language you will be using, which was derived from the Textus Receptus or the King James Version? *YesNoWhat Version do you use?Do you believe in the Universal Church? *YesNoWhat do you believe is the correct definition of repentance, so far as salvation is concerned? *Are you a member of a local Independent Fundamental Baptist Church which also holds to these positions? *YesNoIf yes, which church? *Do you believe, practice and teach separation from worldly and so-called questionable activities and amusements such as smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages, Hollywood, dancing, gambling, etc.? *YesNoDo you reject all five tenets of Calvinism (Total inability, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistable grace, Perseverance of the saints)? *YesNoWhat is your feeling concerning the National Council of Churches, the World Council of Churches and the Ecumenical Movement which they advocate? *What is your feeling concerning the Southern Baptist Convention? *What is your feeling concerning Rick Warren’s purpose driven philosophy and church building model? *Do you consider yourself a personal soulwinner? *YesNoHow many souls did you personally win to Christ last year? *Are you affiliated with, or under the auspices of a mission board? *YesNoIf yes, which one? *If we were to take you on for support and your views changed, would you feel obligated to notify us of those changes? *YesNoSpace for additional explanations or comments:Submit